Iceland: Gudni Johannesson new President
Icelanders have elected historian Gudni Johannesson as their first new president in 20 years. The final count showed 39 percent of Icelanders voted for him, placing him in front of a former prime minister and central bank governor.
Erdogan Apologizes
Russian President Vladimir Putin had received a letter in which his Turkish counterpart Recep Tayyip Erdogan apologized for the death of the pilot who was killed when a Russian jet was downed over the Syrian-Turkish border last November, the Kremlin said. Erdogan expressed readiness to restore relations with Moscow, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said on Monday.
David Cameron resigns
Prime Minister David Cameron is to step down by October after the UK voted to leave the European Union. Mr. Cameron made the announcement in a statement outside Downing Street after the final result was announced. He said he would attempt to "steady the ship" over the coming weeks and months but that "fresh leadership" was needed. The PM had urged the country to vote Remain, warning of economic and security consequences of an exit, but the UK voted to Leave by 52% to 48%.
Sweden Calls Emergency Meeting
Sweden’s Prime Minister has called an emergency meeting of ministers to consider the effects Britain’s Brexit vote will have in Sweden. Britain has been Sweden’s strongest ally in the EU, and so the nation’s ongoing political and economic instability has been heightened. Similar EU exit moves are now arising in over half a dozen EU nations, including Sweden, Greece, Denmark – and even France. But Sweden has been the hardest hit nation regarding rape by migrants. According to Prime Minister Stefan Lofven: “We respect the decision. The election results are a wake-up call for Europe. But it is worrying.” Head of the Sweden Democrat party, Jimmie Akesson said:
“The development in the UK is something I hope to see in Sweden.” “British citizens have shown that EU memberships can be reassessed. The long term trend is now broken and hopefully it will show the way for other countries.“ Now known as the Swexit, Akesson’s comments were blasted as irresponsible by Prime Minister Lofven. Sweden, like Britain, kept their sovereign national money when they joined the EU, and never adopted the Euro. Sweden Democrats Parliament member Paula Bieler looks forward to a Swedish Swexit vote: “Hopefully we will have a referendum as well … and find new ways … to collaborate throughout Europe rather than have this big state forming where we lose our powers over our own country and sovereignty."
UN Vehicle image by
June 25, 2016, posts on my Facebook page were pictures of UN vehicles like the one above in Virginia, and friends in Kentucky who mention UN military vehicles were on I-70 as well.
More terror attacks... and parading UN tactical vehicles on US interstates is a mere drop in the ocean of e motion going on currently in the state of world affairs. In America, as far as I'm concerned, it's time for our National Guard to stand up with courage.
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