Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Union with The Universal Soul

If I am lifted up, I will lift all mankind with me.

Eternal Flame

From the first moment we met I knew
My salvation would dwell within you.
To a soul of darkness you’ve given light
And brought a deeper understanding of might
Like a gentle angel giving a nudge to the right
You lead me tenderly to eternal perfection.
The eternal flame.

You inspire my thoughts and feelings upward
You keep that old raging beast tamed.
You have taught a racing heart to see
Beyond the illusions of what appears to be.
No more blind illusion that makes it seem
Somehow that all is unequivocally separate
The eternal flame.

You inspire my thoughts and feelings upward
You keep that old raging beast tamed.
Like the ocean waves slowly flow toward
The shore onto the sand, your feelings too
Move through the ether to touch my hand.
You Purify my soul from the filth of man.
The eternal flame.

We are in constant communication
On levels that we only dare to dream.
Where the heavens meet the earth, it seems
There are no boundaries, no time, no space
Only a world that opens it's armed to embrace
The everlasting joy and peace of pure grace.
The eternal flame.

Union with the Universal Soul

I a mere human cannot deny the sacred fire burning in life’s heart
                                              Sacred fire
  It moves my heart as I long for my true love while we are apart
                                           My true love
    Yet tenderly the soothing tides between the shores of our soul
                                    Soothing tides between
           Comforts me in the spiritual lovemaking I now know
                                  The spiritual lovemaking
                 Finding it hard to withhold my worldly desire
                                Finding it hard to withhold
                   To touch my beloved with this insatiable fire
                        Touch me beloved with the insatiable fire
                         Spirit descends to the earth-physical realm
                     Our spirit ascends to that above-the heavens
                            I understand transcendence is real
                We transcend reality-awakening to the universe
                               We share eons of spiritual love
             As one we’ve shared eons of love and love’s ecstasy
                                  To lie with my love in rapture
          One body and soul we melt from the rapture of our love
                                    My unquenchable thirst
       Soaring to unknowable heights to find the heavenly pleasures
                                      For mundane pleasures
  Reaching high above the earth to find my beloved’s heavenly treasures
                                            In my beloved
I a mere human cannot deny the sacred fire burning in life’s heart-my heart
                                               The earthly

Betsy Banfield-Malone
December 21, 2010
© 2010 All rights reserved.

“The Christian Life And Character Of The Civil
Institutions Of The United States”,

“…the permanence of empire must rest in the ideas of the people. If then there be in such ideas no great enduring principle of spiritual life, there can be no perpetuity of national existence. If there be no grand, sublime, and imperishable thought, filling the soul of a people with its fire and fashioning their progress after its pattern, there can be no sense in which they may escape the inevitable mutations of the world, or avoid the fate of so many that have gone before them. The most powerful empires of the past have perished because they were wanting in a principle strong enough and spiritual enough to resist the self-destructive energies of human nature.” - Benjamin F. Morris 1863

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